Geocultural data Norrtälje Norrtälje kommun

Hot bulb engine, stopping

Roslagen gruppen


Engine stopping. This large diesel-driven hot bulb engine was built and installed at the Pythagoras-Drott mechanical works in 1932. It has been used to drive a power generator, which still works and is able to produce electricity for the factory. In this recording, the generator is not running, so what is heard is mainly sounds of the engine. Although it is sizeable, this hot bulb engine is actually a medium sized engine to come out of the Pythagoras-Drott engine factory. Larger engines with twice the capacity and effect were also built here. Machine type: Hot bulb engine Machine name: “Stormotorn”, the big engine Manufacturer: Pythagoras-Drott Year of manufactory: 1932 Place of manufactory: Pythagoras-Drott mechanical works, Norrtälje, Sweden Engine effect: 40 hp Engine rpm: 400 rpm Fuel: Diesel Db: 91 Sound recordist: Torsten Nilsson Photographer: Torsten Nilsson Video recordist: Torsten Nilsson

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